Als er via deze link een reservering gemaakt wordt ontvangt u hier provisie over."}}},{"lang":"de","data":{"OVERRIDABLE":{"MORE_INFO":"Unterkunft ansehen","REGION_SELECT_LABEL":"Ziel","REGION_SELECT_OPTION_ALL":"Land","ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_LABEL":"Daten","ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_PLACEHOLDER":"Wählen Sie ein Reisedatum","SEARCH_LABEL_PERSONS":"Gäste","REVENUE_EXPLANATION":"Die oben genannten Mieten enthalten Mehrwertsteuer und Provisionen.","PREFERENCE_ACCOMMODATION_COSTS_OPTION":"Wählen Sie eine Hausnummer","NOTHING_FOUND":"Keine Suchergebnisse Entfernen Sie einen oder mehrere Filter, um Ergebnisse zu erhalten, oder starten Sie eine neue Suche.","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_FREE":"Kostenlose Optionen","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_PAID":"Zusätzliche Optionen einmalig","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_DESCRIPTION":"Machen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt noch angenehmer und wählen Sie zusätzliche Optionen, die Ihre Unterkunft bietet. Oder wählen Sie unten eine bestimmte Lage oder Hausnummer.","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_ACCOMMODATION_HEADER":"Hausnummer (€35,00)","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_ACCOMMODATION_DESCRIPTION":"Sehen Sie sich die verfügbaren Unterkünfte auf der Karte an und wählen Sie eine bestimmte Hausnummer.","REFERRAL_BOOKING_DESCRIPTION":"Der unten stehende Link kann an potenzielle Gäste weitergegeben werden, z. B. per E-Mail, über soziale Medien oder Websites. Wenn eine Reservierung über diesen Link zustande kommt, erhalten Sie dafür eine Provision."}}},{"lang":"en","data":{"OVERRIDABLE":{"MORE_INFO":"View accommodation","REGION_SELECT_LABEL":"Destination","REGION_SELECT_OPTION_ALL":"country","ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_LABEL":"Dates","ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_PLACEHOLDER":"Select a travel date","SEARCH_LABEL_PERSONS":"Guests","SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER_PERSONS":"Travel group","REVENUE_EXPLANATION":"The rents above include VAT and are before calculation of commission.","PREFERENCE_ACCOMMODATION_COSTS_OPTION":"Select a house number","NOTHING_FOUND":"No search results Remove one or more filters to get results or start a new search.","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_FREE":"Free options","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_PAID":"Addional options one-off","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_DESCRIPTION":"Make your stay even more enjoyable and choose additional options your accommodation has. Or choose a specific location or house number below.","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_ACCOMMODATION_HEADER":"House number (€35,00)","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_ACCOMMODATION_DESCRIPTION":"View the available accommodations on the map and choose a specific house number.","REFERRAL_BOOKING_DESCRIPTION":"The link below can be shared with potential guests via email, social media or websites, for example. If a reservation is made through this link you will receive commission for it."}}},{"lang":"fr","data":{"OVERRIDABLE":{"MORE_INFO":"Voir le logement","REGION_SELECT_LABEL":"Destination","REGION_SELECT_OPTION_ALL":"pays","ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_LABEL":"Dates","ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_PLACEHOLDER":"Sélectionnez une date de voyage","SEARCH_LABEL_PERSONS":"Clients","SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER_PERSONS":"Group de voyage","REVENUE_EXPLANATION":"Les loyers ci-dessus s'entendent TVA comprise et avant calcul de la commission.","PREFERENCE_ACCOMMODATION_COSTS_OPTION":"Sélectionner un numéro de maison","NOTHING_FOUND":"La recherche n’a donné aucun résultat Supprimez un ou plusieurs filtres pour obtenir un résultat ou effectuez une nouvelle recherche.","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_FREE":"Options gratuites","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_PAID":"Options supplémentaires une seule fois","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_DESCRIPTION":"Pour un séjour encore plus agréable, faites votre choix parmi les options dont votre hébergement dispose. Ou choisissez ci-dessous une localisation ou un numéro d’hébergement spécifique.","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_ACCOMMODATION_HEADER":"Numéro d’hébergement (€35,00)","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_ACCOMMODATION_DESCRIPTION":"Consultez les hébergements disponibles sur le plan et choisissez un numéro d’hébergement spécifique.","REFERRAL_BOOKING_DESCRIPTION":"Le lien ci-dessous peut être partagé avec des invités potentiels par courriel, dans les médias sociaux ou sur des sites web, par exemple. Si une réservation est effectuée grâce à ce lien, vous recevrez une commission."}}},{"lang":"es","data":{"OVERRIDABLE":{"MORE_INFO":"Ver alojamiento","REGION_SELECT_LABEL":"Destino","REGION_SELECT_OPTION_ALL":"país","ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_LABEL":"Fechas","ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_PLACEHOLDER":"Selecciona una fecha de viaje","SEARCH_LABEL_PERSONS":"Huéspedes","SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER_PERSONS":"Huéspedes","PREFERENCE_ACCOMMODATION_COSTS_OPTION":"Seleccione un número de casa","NOTHING_FOUND":"Cero resultados de búsqueda Elimine uno o varios filtros para obtener un resultado o inicie una nueva orden de búsqueda.","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_FREE":"Opciones gratuitas","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_PAID":"Opciones adiciones una vez","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_DESCRIPTION":"Haz tu estancia aún más agradable y elige las opciones adicionales de las que dispone tu alojamiento. También puedes elegir aquí abajo una ubicación específica o un número de calle.","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_ACCOMMODATION_HEADER":"Número estancia (€35,00)","PREFERENCE_FEATURES_ACCOMMODATION_DESCRIPTION":"Echa un vistazo a los alojamientos disponibles en el mapa y elige un número especifico de calle."}}}]
At Dormio Fun & Active we only have one goal: giving your children a superb holiday! That's why we organise all kinds of cool activities for kids aged 9 to 14 at Dormio Resort Eifeler Tor during the summer holidays. When your children are being kept entertained at Dormio Fun & Active, there is only one thing left for you to do: enjoy your holiday!
We have put together an exciting programme of activities full of fun for teenagers! The programme includes challenging activities like sports competitions, survival workouts, outdoor activities and exciting games. These might include live Stratego, laser gaming or playing Werewolf. Teenagers can have lots of fun at Dormio Resort Eifeler Tor!
The place where teenagers meet
Dormio Fun & Active is known as the meeting place for older children. In addition to offering all kinds of cool activities, this is also the place where they can meet their peers and chill out together at Dormio Resort Eifeler Tor. It is great for teenagers to be away from younger children or adults for a bit during the holiday and to meet new friends. This will make their holiday an unforgettable one!
Want to know more? You can find more information about Dormio Fun & Active at the reception desk or in Dormio Compass. Charges may apply for some activities, like laser gaming or a VR game.
Fun & Entertainment for all ages
Do you have younger kids travelling with you? Children aged 2 to 9 are very welcome at the Mio Kids Club. Mio organises all kinds of great activities here together with the Fun & Entertainment team to make sure that younger children can also have a nice holiday!
In the summer holiday we also organise a number of activities for adults. Enjoy live music on the promenade, join us for an exciting bingo night or treat your taste buds at a theme-based evening in one of our restaurants. The perfect recipe for a fantastic holiday!